“Speaking with Julia was like a breath of fresh air. She gave me clarity and freed my mind of any confusion which then enabled me to reach my goals.
Counselling was the best decision I made. Without it, I would still be feeling lost and at loose ends. After a few sessions I could already feel a massive difference in myself and would highly advise anyone to give it a go”
“Through exceptional therapeutic counselling skills and supported by her compassionate kindness, Julia has enabled me to work through, process, and heal a great many issues. This whole and holistic experience has transformed - for the better - many areas of my life”
“Julia helps the pair of us to work as a team in our busy personal, family and business lives. She helps us to work through the many issues which have built up and have complicated our relationship. She is always kind, fair and non judgmental towards us both. ”
“ From Julia’s tranquil therapy room which felt like my own safe haven, to the nurturing yet professional work style, the sessions were soothing and helped me create and grow my own emotional tool box.
Her work ethic and modern counselling methods, relieved my mind of chaos creating clarity, developed my positive thought processes and helped me focus on my here and now.
The whole experience changed my life, benefiting not only myself but those who surround me
“What’s the greatest illusion? – That life should be perfect……”